Stirling Flea Market 2015 Stirling Flea Market 2015 Great weather, large crowds and friendly faces made Stirling’s Flea Market a success. Friendly Faces!!! Dave Grimmon (Dodge Bros.) Foxboro Ont. isn’t confused why he came out to enjoy the Stirling Flea Market. Will and Jen Dusenbury (Brighton Cruise Night) at Stirling Flea Market. The BIG GUY, Laverne Bailey, Picton Ont. at Stirling Flea Market. George Watson, Belleville Ont. at Stirling Flea Market. Don Postma (Wheels on the Bay) and Barry Walters, Norwood Ont. discussing the upcoming show in Trenton July 24-26. John Morris and Glen Conway promoting Armdrop Drag Racing at the Historic Picton Airfield May 23rd. Chris Stapley, Campbellford Ont. at the Stirling Flea Market. Dave Coombs at Stirling Flea Market. Flea Market Colour 77 Barracuda Caddy Fins. Chevrolet CTC Dodge Haynes Repair manuals. Hubcaps Mercedes Benz Western Flyer Tractor story and photographs by Bill Samuel